1. APPLICATION FOR SERVICE Each prospective customer requesting electric service shall be required to sign Distributor's Standard Form of Application for Service or contract before service is supplied by the Distributor and provide social security and driver’s license numbers or other picture ID. In an effort to prevent Identity Fraud, the System will be checking Customer's Identity with a third party agency. The fee for this service will be added to the Customer's service charges. All policies, rules, and regulations can be viewed at www.bcestn.org. BCES customers will be notified through the local media of any and all local rate adjustment. Delinquent Accounts: When a consumer's electric service has been terminated and the consumer presently owes a delinquent account to the Electric System, servicewill not berestored for the consumer until his or her delinquent account is paid in full; When an application for new electric service is denied based upon the provisions of this policy, the policy having been explained to the applicant, the applicant shall have the right to a hearing before the General Manager or his designated representative in order to present proof that the applicant is not in violation of this rule; If the applicant is dissatisfied with the final decision of the General Manager or his designated representative following the hearing, the applicant may file a written request with the Board of Directors of the Electric System. The applicant may also request to appear before the Board at its regularly scheduled meeting and present proof that he or she is not in violation of this policy. The Board shall decide whether or not to grant any request to appear before the Board and shall also decide whether to affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the General Manager or his designated representative. This policy is an amendment to the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, Item #1, in the Power Contract between TVA and Benton County Electric System. Adopted: 26 May 1998 Adopted: 24 March 2009 Revised: September 22, 2015 (Effective 10-1-2015)
2. DEPOSITS A deposit or suitable guarantee for each account will be required of a customer before electric service is supplied. Deposits on all residential customer accounts including temporary boards or power stations being used as temporary service for residential construction will be Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). This amount is based on the average of usage of all customers in this rate class. All other class rate deposits will be based on the average of 12 months usage, if available. If not available, information from a load sheet provided by BCES, will be used to calculate a deposit. A load sheet will not need to be completed for a 400 (four hundred) amp power station for residential purposes. No deposit will exceed twice the highest monthly bill. BCES reserves the right to evaluate customer accounts from time to time to either raise or lower deposits to comply with the formula, not to exceed twice the highest monthly bill. The above deposits are based on traditional service and does not apply to Pay As You Go customers. The deposit balance including earned interest for both residential and all other customers will be accounted for in order to credit the customer’s account and is subject to review by the customer and Benton County Electric System. If a customer has an old deposit and relocates to another location in Benton County, the customer can retain his original deposit. Interest will be applied to the customer’s account based on the interest rate that BCES receives on its passbook savings account with a local bank. Interest is figured, accrued, and applied to the customer’s account at the end of each calendar year, unless service is discontinued, at which time the interest is applied and refunded with the final bill. Upon termination of service, the deposit plus earned interest will be applied by the Benton County Electric System against any unpaid bills of the customer and if any balance remains after such application is made, said balance will be refunded to customer. Temporary Turn On The deposit may be waived for any customer with an existing electrical service requesting a temporary turn on for a maximum length of 30 (thirty) days. At 30 (thirty) days, a deposit is required, or the service will be disconnected. Customers may request 1 (one) temporary turn on per location within a 90 (ninety) day period. Any unpaid balance for the temporary turn on will be transferred to the existing primary account associated with the request. This policy is an amendment to the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, Item #2, in the Power Contract between TVA and Benton County Electric System. Adopted: 8-25-98 (effective 9-1-98) Revised: June 28.2011, Effective 7-12-2011 Revised: August 26, 2014 Revised: September 22, 2015 (Effective 10-1-2015) Revised: January 31, 2023 Revised: November 26, 2024
3. DISPUTED BILLS If you dispute the amount or correctness of your bill, you may go to the office of the Benton county Electric System, 975 Highway 70E, Camden, Tennessee 38320 or call the office at (731) 584-8251 between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. on Friday, except holidays, before the date for disconnection of electrical service and one of our customer service personnel will be glad to assist you with your bill.
4. RETURNED CHECKS There will be a Forty Dollar ($40.00) charge to a customer's account for each check returned by the bank for nonpayment. This charge is in addition to any charges by the bank. Any applicable penalties will be applied if the returned check places the account in a past due status. Any customer presenting three bad checks within a 12-month period will be required to pay their account by credit card or cash only. Revised: 5-26- 98 Revised: 5-26- 98 Revised: 9-23-08 Revised: 8-28-18
5. METER SETS All meter sets requested prior to 3:00 P.M. will be set the same day. All requests after said time may be worked on the next business day. Adopted: 8-25-98 (effective 9-1-98) Revised: 3-25-03 Revised: 7-27-2021
6. METERING Meter bases can be purchased from Benton County Electric System and picked up at our warehouse location. If a meter base is not purchased from BCES the meter base must be approved by a representative of BCES before the meter base is installed. The fee for meter bases is as follows: • 100 AMP Overhead $40.00 (forty dollars) • 200 AMP Overhead $40.00 (forty dollars) • 200 AMP Underground $100.00 (one hundred dollars) • 400 AMP Overhead or Underground $225.00 (two hundred twenty-five dollars) Socket style meters will be provided up to a 400-amp service. If instrumentation metering is required the cost will be as follows: • Single Phase Metering $1,101.00 (one thousand one hundred one dollars) • 3-Phase Metering $3,450.00 (three thousand four hundred fifty dollars) • Pad Mount Metering $3,081.00 (three thousand eighty-one dollars) • Single Phase Primary Metering $5,144.00 (five thousand one hundred forty-four dollars) • 3-Phase Primary Metering $14,817.00 (fourteen thousand eight hundred seventeen dollars) LOCATION Meter bases must be located where they will be easily accessible at all times. Meter bases must be located on the exterior of all structures. No meters will be allowed to be placed in areas which will remain locked or where hazards may exist for Distributor personnel. The Distributor should be contacted to assist in locating mutually acceptable location for each meter base. If an existing meter base will be enclosed due to new construction, the meter base must be moved to the exterior of the structure. Adopted: September 22, 2015 Revised: January 31, 2023 Revised: February 25, 2025
7. DELIQUENT ACCOUNT/RECONNECTION CHARGE Traditional Customers may request an extension (special payment arrangement) twice within a BCES fiscal year (July1-June 30). The extension will be issued at the discretion of the Customer Service Manager or General Manager not to extend past the next month’s due date. In an extreme situation an additional extension shall be granted at the discretion of the General Manager. On the day after the due date a five percent (5%) late fee will be added to the customer’s account. A documented courtesy call, with a phone number for billing disputes, will be made approximately five (5) days past due date Once the bill remains unpaid beyond the 10th day after due date, the customer will be subject to disconnection, At that time all service charges and penalties must be paid in full to restore service. If a customer, for whatever reason, disputes their bill, they can contact the office during normal business hours at 731-584-8251 or use one of our after-hour emergency numbers. Whenever service has been discontinued by the Distributor for nonpayment, a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00), during normal business hours, will be assessed by the Distributor to restore service. If service is restored after normal working hours, the reconnection fee will be $100.00. For those delinquent customers who present a bad check for the purpose of preventing service disconnection for non-payment, the service will be disconnected at the earliest possible date after the check for payment has been returned. In these cases, a $40.00 bad check charge and a $50.00 reconnection fee, if paid during normal business hours, or $100.00 if after normal business hours, will be charged to the customer and must be paid in full before service is restored. BCES will make reasonable efforts to receive consent from customers in advance of receipt of termination notices via phone call, or mailing a notice or electronic notices so that customers are informed in advance of any such notification of disconnection. This policy is an amendment to the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, Item #10 and Item #11, in the Power Contract between TVA and Benton County Electric System. Revised: 08-25-98 (effective 09-14-98) Revised: 01-23-01 (effective 03-01-01) Revised: 06-21-05 (effective 07-01-05) Revised: 09-22-2015 (effective 10-01-2015) Revised: 1-25-2022 (effective 02-01-2022)
8. METER TAMPERING AND STRAP-OUT FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTRIC CURRENT DIVERSION When a meter is found strapped-out, the customer shall pay a One Hundred Fifty Dollar ($150.00) strap-out fee. When it is deemed necessary to disconnect service at the service pole or transformer to further prevent current diversion by the customer, the service charge shall be Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to recover the cost of two (2) service trips to disconnect and restore service. The customer shall he required to come in the office and pay the above listed strap-out fee in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) and/or the disconnect service at pole or transformer fee in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) prior to restoring electric service. An authorized employee will discuss with the customer the possible penalties for actions of the nature they have taken to illegally procure electric current. The customer shall be asked to give an explanation as to why they illegally devised an instrument to use unauthorized electricity. We will estimate the amount of energy used by method of straps or other devices that was not metered and multiply by 2. Estimates shall be computed based on previous usage. All charges must be paid before the meter is reset. When the meter has been tampered with or damaged, each incident shall be dealt with according to damages found or on its own merits. Revised: 1-1-90 Revised: 06-21-05
9. SERVICE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Residential All new residences and service entrance changes on existing residences must have a minimum two (2) inch diameter rigid metal conduit riser through the roof or an eyebolt attached through the wall at a minimum of twelve (12) feet from the final grade. A higher attachment may be required if crossing driveways, parking lots, etc. Commercial and Industrial The Distributor should be contacted and mutually acceptable arrangements will be made on the service entrance. Revised 1-23-96 Revised: 1-20-98
10. OUTDOOR LIGHTS Due to the dwindling supply of Metal Halide bulbs, and the expected “End of Life” of non-LED bulbs. BCES is moving to LED Outdoor Lighting Fixtures. BCES will offer two forms of Outdoor Lighting for Commercial and Residential Customers. Currently, the following fixtures are available as of (11/8/2021): WatchLight Series WL1 LED (Standard Residential Outdoor Light with Diffuser) 75LED Ultraflood (Flood Light) Outdoor lights may be installed on existing Distributor poles if there is an existing 120-volt circuit on the pole. If a pole must be installed for the light, there will be a One Hundred Fifty Dollar ($150.00) charge in addition to the above-mentioned charge. A customer must have a pay rating of “Average” or better to qualify for an outdoor light and have active service with BCES. If any additional customer charges are required, they must be paid in full or billed to the active BCES account prior to construction. Residential All outdoor lights must be attached to a Distributor pole and the Distributor will not install a transformer that will only service an outdoor light. Customers turning off a service may opt to leave an outdoor light on for lighting purposes and will continue to pay a monthly bill for said outdoor light applications. Commercial All outdoor lights must be attached to a Distributor pole and the Distributor will not install a transformer that will only serve an outdoor light unless approved by the General Manager prior to installation for example special events, venue, or commercial lighting. Repair Customers will receive a free month's service on their Outdoor Light if it is reported out and not repaired within five days. This free month would not apply during severe storms and other emergency outage events. Revised: 5-26-98 Revised: 3-25-03 Revised: 8-26-08 Revised: 7-27-2021 Revised: 11-30-2021
11. TEMPORARY SERVICE POLICY Any customer requiring electrical service on a temporary basis is required to make a work request to Benton County Electric System Typical temporary service is to carnivals, fairs, circuses, work trailers, construction sites, etc. Any customer requesting temporary service must pay the Benton County Board of Public Utilities the cost of installing and removing the necessary facilities on a non-refundable basis. Payment of charges or authorized charges must be paid before work is started. The energy used will be metered and billed in accordance with the GPR rate schedule. Installation by Electrical Contractor Benton County Board of Public Utilities will connect the necessary facilities to a temporary service installed by an electrical contractor. The contractor must install the service adequately braced to withstand the pull of Benton County Board of Public Utilities' conductors, install a meter socket and obtain an inspection approval from the appropriate electrical inspector (Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance). Restriction of Utilization A temporary service MUST NOT be used to energize any portion of the wiring in a permanent building, whether under construction or completed. Campers, recreational vehicles or mobile homes will not be connected to temporary service boards unless adequate provisions have been made by the electrical contractor and approved by the electrical inspector. Minimum Service Charge for Temporary Services A $325.00 (Three hundred twenty-five dollar) minimum service charge for installing and removing temporary service. Any additional charges beyond standard drops please refer to policies: Policy 6, Metering Policy 12, Service to Portable Buildings and Pole Services Policy 13, Overhead Line Extensions Policy 14, Underground Line Extensions Adopted: 02-02-87 Revised: 03-25-03 Revised: 08-26-08 Revised: 09-22-15 Revised: 01-31-23
12. SERVICE TO PORTABLE BUILDINGS AND POLE SERVICES A standard drop service will be provided for the above listed class of customers for a fee of $325.00 (three hundred twenty-five dollars). Any additional footage please refer to policy: Policy 13 Overhead Line Extensions Policy 14 Underground Line Extensions An additional charge of $275.00 (two hundred seventy-five dollars) will be made if a service pole is installed. An additional charge of $175.00 (one hundred seventy-five dollars) will be made if an anchor and guy is installed. Revised 1-23-96 Revised 3-25-03 Revised 8-26-08. Revised 9-22-15. Revised: 1-31-23
13. OVERHEAD LINE EXTENSIONS OVERHEAD PRIMARY BASE CHARGE There will be a Base Charge of $325.00 (three hundred twenty-five dollars) for a service drop or a relocation of a service drop. If customer has paid a $325.00 (three hundred twenty-five dollar) Temporary Service Fee, the Base Charge under this policy will be waived for the initial service drop. If a service pole(s) are required, an additional charge of $275.00 (two hundred seventy-five dollars) for each pole and $175.00 (one hundred seventy-five dollars) for each anchor will be paid by the customer. GENERAL All right-of-way easements must be obtained in writing by the customer requesting service. No payment will be made for easements for distribution lines, whether overhead or underground. The customer will be responsible for clearing right-of-way for all line extensions. The right of-way must be cleared to Distributor specifications. The right-of-way may be pushed by a dozer or by cutting. If the right-of-way is cut, it must be cut to within 2 inches of the ground to enable maintenance of the right-of-way. (MOVED) Primary line construction will only be made along a county road or driveway that, in the opinion of a representative of Benton County Electric System, is adequate to give accessibility to line trucks and other Electric System vehicles. Any private road (not maintained by the county) shall be gravel and able to navigably support a Benton County Electric System utility vehicle at a minimum. Benton County Electric System will not connect any service unless it passes a State of TN Electrical Inspector’s Service Release and/or Final as required. Benton County Electric System will disconnect power if any of the conditions below are met by order of the State Fire Marshall’s Office: Service Release (45 Days) expiration Failed Final Expired (30 Days) All Overhead services require a minimum of 16’ (sixteen-foot clearance) to each side of the utility line, and what is deemed necessary by Benton County Electric Operations, as indicated on the drawing. All facilities will remain the property of Benton County Electric System. SINGLE PHASE The Benton County Board of Public Utilities will install single phase overhead primary line extensions without charge if the primary length does not exceed 300 feet. For primary lines in excess of 300 feet, the cost to the customer requesting the line extension will be $4.75 (four dollars and seventy-five cents) per foot. THREE PHASE The Benton County Board of Public Utilities will install three phases overhead primary line extension without charge if the primary length does not exceed 300 feet. For three phase primary lines in excess of 300 feet, the cost to the customer requesting the line extension will be $9.00 (nine dollars) per foot. The Electric system will provide the necessary size transformers and service. If a customer requests a three-phase primary extension in excess of 300 feet where there presently exists a single-phase line, the charge to the customer will be $9.00 (nine dollars) per foot. OVERHEAD SERVICE The Benton County Board of Public Utilities will provide up to a 15 KVA Single Phase Transformer and service to serve a permanent customer with the service not to exceed 200 feet in length. Services to a conventionally built dwelling unit to be occupied as a primary residence will be a 120-240 volt, 3 wire, single phase service. Please see below for larger transformer pricing. 25 KVA Overhead $150.00 (one hundred fifty dollars) Greater than 25 KVA Single Phase or Bank will be at current market value minus a standard 15 KVA overhead transformer (value $1,000.00-one thousand dollars) Refer to Policy 20, Policy on Three Phase Transformer Banks Adopted: 05-25-99 Revised: 03-25-03 Revised: 08-26-08 Revised: 09-22-15 Revised: 10-26-21 Revised: 01-31-23
14. UNDERGROUND LINE EXTENSIONS UNDERGROUND PRIMARY BASE CHARGE There will be a Base Charge of One Hundred Dollars $325.00 (Three hundred twenty-five dollars) for a service hookup or a relocation of a service hookup. If customer has paid a $325.00 (Three hundred twenty-five dollar) Temporary Service Fee, the Base Charge under this policy will be waived for the initial service hookup. GENERAL For all underground extensions, the customer making the request for services will pay for opening and back-filling of the ditches as required after inspection by a representative of Benton County Electric System. All 45- and 90-degree corners must be factory sweep type. Pull wire or rope will be furnished by Benton County Electric System and will be installed in the conduit by the customer or contractor. The Benton County Board of Public Utilities will provide a standard drop, 15 KVA Single Phase Overhead (value $1,000.00-one thousand dollars). Transformer and service to serve a permanent customer with the service not to exceed 200 feet in length. Services to a conventionally built dwelling unit to be occupied as a primary residence will be a 120-240 volt, 3 wire, single phase service. Please see below for larger transformer pricing. 25 KVA Pad Mount $1,360.00 (one thousand three hundred sixty dollars) Greater than 25 KVA Single Phase or Bank will be at current market value minus standard overhead transformer (value $1,000.00-one thousand dollars) If a pull through is required the charges will be as follows: Development Pull Through Single Phase $325.00 (Three hundred twenty-five dollars) Development Pull Through 3-Phase $460.00 (four hundred sixty dollars) Dedicated Pull Through Single Phase $815.00 (eight hundred fifteen dollars) Dedicated Pull Through 3-Phase $1,150.00 (one thousand one hundred fifty dollars) Development= Where multiple lots could be sold or accessed by future customers. Dedicated= Serve single or dead-end customer where no one else will be able to tie into service All right-of-way easements must be obtained in writing by the customer requesting service. No payment will be made for easements for distribution lines, whether overhead or underground. Primary line construction will only be made along a county road or driveway that, in the opinion of a representative of Benton County Electric System, is adequate to give accessibility to line trucks and other Benton County Electric System vehicles. Any private road (not maintained by the county) shall be gravel and able to navigably support a BCES utility vehicle at a minimum. Benton County Electric System will not connect any service unless it passes a State of TN Electrical Inspector’s Service Release and/or Final as required. Benton County Electric will disconnect power if any of the conditions below are met by order of the State Fire Marshall’s Office: Service Release (45 days) expiration Failed Final Expired (30 days) A developer will work with Benton County Electric System Operations to identify paths, junctions, pull-throughs, etc. All facilities will remain the property of Benton County Electric System. SINGLE PHASE The customer will pay $3.75 (three dollars and seventy-five cents) per foot for a single phase, underground primary line extension. THREE PHASES The customer will pay $10.00 (ten dollars) per foot for a three phase. underground primary line extension. The customer must furnish and install schedule 40 PVC conduit, 3 inch for single phase and 4 inches for three phases for all underground primary (7.2 KV or over) and it must be 48 inches below the finished grade. After the conduit has been installed, it shall be inspected by the Benton County Electric System. It shall then be covered by two (2) feet of dirt and then a warning tape must be installed. It will then again be inspected by the Benton County Electric System before any backfilling is done. UNDERGROUND SERVICE The customer will pay $2.00 (two dollars) per foot beyond 100’ (one hundred feet). For a 200 amp and under underground service and 600 volt and under secondary, the customer must furnish and install a 3-inch (unless otherwise specified by an Electric System employee) schedule 40 PVC conduit 24 inches below the finished grade. For all over 200-amp underground services, the PVC conduit size will be determined by a representative of the Benton County Electric System. All fittings will be electrical type and all conduit above ground will be rigid steel or schedule 4O PVC. Revised: 03-25-03 Revised: 08-26-08 Revised: 09-22-15 Revised: 10-26-21 Revised: 01-31-23
15. SERVICE TO MOBILE HOMES Due to the temporary nature of supplying service to dwellings classified as mobile homes, it is necessary to collect a service charge which will help defray the unrecoverable cost of providing this type of service. DEFINITIONS Mobile Horne: A factory assembled structure equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily movable as a unit on its own running gear and designed to be used as a dwelling unit without a permanent foundation. Factory Assembled Permanent Structure: A factory assembled structure will be treated as a permanent structure provided the following provisions have been met: Tongue has been removed. Axles have been removed. Structure mounted on a permanent solid exterior foundation. Both structure and lot have same owner. PROCEDURES If the above requirements have been satisfied, the factory assembled permanent structure will be served as any other permanent structure as to service charges and deposits. Mounting of meterbases, on side of structure is permitted if installed at the factory. The service charges for a mobile home will be the same as those listed in Policy for Overhead Line Extensions and Policy for Underground Line Extensions. When facilities are present at the job site, a service charge will be required only if additional poles or anchors are needed or if the service conductor has to be extended. Any relocation of an existing service will be treated as a new installation in regard to service charges. The rates for step 2 above will be subject to adjustment from time to time as necessary to conform to current construction costs. Any variance from the above stated rates must be posted and approved by the Superintendent. Date Adopted: 03-26-96 Revised: 03-25-03
16. SERVICE TO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS Due to the varied costs and requirements of serving Industrial Customers, the Benton County Board of Public Utilities will make judgments for serving these customers on a case to case basis. Adopted: 03-26-96
17. REMOVAL OF SERVICE BCES assets at customer location may be removed if deemed appropriate by BCES. Removing abandoned or deemed appropriate services provides increased system reliability and ensures BCES is utilizing all assets effectively. There will be no charge for removal of BCES Assets. If "Application for Service" is received to establish service, standard procedures and charges will apply. Approved: 1/22/2019
18. POLICY FOR RECORD ACCESS A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE, PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR ACCESSING AND COPYING OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Benton County Board of Public Utilities, that: Section 1. Procedures regarding access and inspection of public records: Consistent with the open records laws of the State of Tennessee, personnel at the Benton County Electric System shall provide full access and assistance in a timely andefficient manner to persons who request access to open public records. Employees of the Benton County Electric System shall protect the integrity and organization of public records with respect to the manner in which such records are inspected and copied. All inspections or copying of records shall be performed by, or under the supervision of, employees of the Benton County Electric System. Personnel with the Benton County Electric System shall prevent excessive disruptions of essential functions and duties and shall seek to provide access to recordsat the earliest possible time. Requests for inspection or copying of records shall be made in writing on a form provided by the Benton County Electric System. Such form shall be completed by the person requesting the record, and Electric System employees may demand reasonableidentification of any person requesting a record. Hours for making requests for inspection or copying of records shall be the regularoffice hours of the Electric System. Removal of records from the Electric System shall not be permitted. Reproduction of records shall not be undertaken when in the judgment of personnel of the Electric System such reproduction would cause damage to the record. Section 2. Fees for inspection and copying of public records: The General Manger of the Benton County Electric System may establish reasonable fees to cover the cost of retrieving, supervising access and inspection and reproduction of records. Such fees may include the actual cost of reproduction, personnel costs related to time spent retrieving and accessing records and personnel costs related.to time spent supervising inspection or reproduction of records. All fees for purposes identified in Section 2A above, shall be due at the time such costs are incurred. No fees shall be assessed against employees of the Electric System who make requests, which are reasonably necessary to the performance of their official duties. No reproduction fee shall be assessed when an employee of the Electric System determines that the cost of charging and handling the fee exceeds the cost of providing a copy without charge Adopted: 03-26-96 Amended 01-28-03
19. REVISIONS These Service Policies may be revised, amended, supplemented or otherwise changed from time to time, without notice. Such changes, when effective, shall have the same force as the present Policies.
20. POLICY FOR THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER BANKS Pole mounted 3 phase transformer banks are not to exceed 300 kVA. Any 3-phase bank exceeding 300 kVA will have to be a 3-phase pad mount. All pad mount 3 phase transformers will be charged at market price minus a standard 15 KVA transformer (value: $1,000.00 one thousand dollars). All charges must be paid prior to installation. Any additional charges please refer to policies: Policy 6 Metering Policy 12 Service to Portable Buildings and Pole Charges Policy 13 Overhead Line Extensions Policy 14 Underground Line Extensions Revised: 09/23/2014 Revised: 09/22/2015 Revised: 01/31/2023
21. TREE CUTTING AND TRIMMING POLICY We will help our customers cut or trim trees that create a serious hazard to electric lines. A request to cut trees that are a hazard to houses or other personal property will not be cut by Benton County Electric System. If it is determined by the Benton County Electric System that a tree is a hazard to the lines, Benton County Electric System will either cut or trim the tree or schedule a time with the customer to take the line down to allow the customer to cut the hazardous trees. Adopted 01/28/2014
22. PROCEDURE FOR TERMINATION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE Termination of electric service will occur when a customer has not paid his electric bill and remains unpaid over 10 days past due date. After a customer’s electric bill becomes delinquent and is 5 days past the due date, a courtesy call, with a phone number for billing disputes, will be made by an employee of the Electric System to the phone number given on the customer’s account advising them of the upcoming cutout date and telling them the last day that a payment can be made to prevent disconnection of service. If a customer has an excellent rating, an employee will go to that residence and either talk with the customer or leave a door hanger to inform of upcoming disconnection. In an effort to have current contact information, from time to time during the year, a request for updated information will be added to the customer’s electric bill. A documented log of all courtesy calls will be kept in the office for a year. If the temperature exceeds 105 degrees in the heat index or is less than 30 degrees at www.weather.com for Benton County, TN 38320, for a 24 hour period on the day of disconnects, the cutouts will be postponed for that period, however the service extension shall not extend past the extreme weather condition or past the customer’s next due date, whichever date comes first. If a delinquent customer has a “Life Sustaining” Medical Issue, they must fill out a form certifying the life sustaining medical condition stating that disconnection of electricity would create a medical emergency and possibly death. The form will require a signature from the attending physician, and a nurse practitioner’s signature is not acceptable. If full payment of past due amount is not made by the end of the 15 day extension period, the meter will be disconnected on the next available date BCES will require that the form, on file be updated on an annual basis for the Life Sustaining Medical Issue to be recognized. Furthermore, BCES will only grant the postponement of termination twice in a twelve month period. BCES will make reasonable efforts to receive consent from customers in advance of receipt of termination notices via phone call, or mailing a notice or electronic notices so that customers are informed in advance of any such notification of disconnection. This policy is an amendment to the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, Item #10 and Item #11, in the Power Contract between TVA and Benton County Electric System. Adopted: August 26, 2014 Revised: September 22, 2015 (Effective 10-1-2015)
23. POLICY ON BILLING AND INFORMATION TO CUSTOMERS The net payment period for residential customers of the Benton County Electric System shall be no less than 15 days before the net due date, and for all other classes of customers no less than 10 days before the net due date. The late fee amount charged will not exceed Five Percent (5%) for any portion of the bill paid after the net payment period. This is in alignment with the contract signed between BCES and TVA. Benton County Electric System will inform Customers about rates and service policies through the Application for Electric Service provided by BCES, on BCES’ website (www.bcestn.org) and upon personal request at any time. All retail rate changes will be communicated through the local newspaper (The Camden Chronicle), BCES’ website, and posted notices at the office prior to said dates of change. Upon request, BCES will provide a statement of a Customer’s monthly consumption for the prior 12 months, if reasonably ascertainable. This policy is an amendment to the Schedule of Rules and Regulations, Item #9, in the Power Contract between TVA and Benton County Electric System.
24. PAY AS YOU GO PROGRAM Pay As You Go Service –This method of billing is available to any Residential or General Power Service which has a self-contained AMI meter with an internal disconnect. Customer pays for electricity prior to usage the same as depositing money into a debit account. Connect Fees:All Pay as you Go customers must pay a connection fee of $25.00 to cover costs of creating andimplementing a new service plus identity check of $2.70 if applicable. Also, a minimum balance of $40.00 is required. If an existing customer has been cut out for non- payment, the $50.00 reconnect fee will be waived if the Pay as you Go option is utilized. Deposit: A $25.00 deposit is required because BCES does not cut out on weekends or holidays. Pay As You Go Monthly Fee: The cost associated with this program is $0.40 per day. This eliminates late fees and reconnect fees for the Customer. Electrical Usage: All electricity used will be billed at the current residential or GSA1 rate at the time of usage as approved by TVA. Customers may choose to be notified of account balance by automated phone call, email, text message, BCES website or by personal appearance at BCES office. It is the responsibility of the c ustomer to monitor account balance and need for payment. Termination of Service: Electrical service will be terminated automatically by AMI system at 10:30 AM the morning after account balance reaches $0.00! Customer must keep a positive balance in their account to receive electrical service. Service will be reconnected when the Customer establishes a minimum account balance as calculated by the www.myusage.com. Customers Changing Billing Methods Changing from Conventional Service: Customers who wish to change from conventional service to Pay As You Go may do so under the following conditions. Deposit: $25.00 Outstanding Balances – Due to the lag in billing under the Conventional Service method, any Customer changing to Pay As You Go will have an outstanding balance of electric usage either not yet paid or billed. Therefore 40% of payments made to Customer's account shall apply to outstanding balance until said balance is paid in full. Failure to pay outstanding balance in full shall result in termination of service until said balance is paid in full. Changing from Pay As You Go to Conventional Service: All conventional service policies apply including deposit and connection fee.
25. POLICY ON WAIVING CUSTOMER PENALTY The monetary penalty shall be waived for late payment if the electric customer has no record of late payment in the previous twelve (12) months, provided the owed and late bill is paid before the next billing date. Approved: February 25, 1997
26. POLICY ON REPAIR OUTDOOR LIGHT Customers of the Benton County Electric System will be given a free month’s service on an outdoor light that is reported out and it is not repaired within five (5) days. This policy would not apply during severe storms or other emergencies. Approved: May 26, 1998
27. BCES STANDARD LINE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES BCES has adopted minimum construction and protection standards as follows: Poles Single-Phase Primary Poles: Minimum of 40ft Class 2 Pole or Taller 3-Phase Primary Poles: Minimum of 45Ft Class 2 Pole or Taller Secondary: Minimum of 30ft Class 2 Pole or Taller From Substation to First Sectionalizing Device: Minimum Class H1 Steele Pole Heavy Load/Equipment Poles: Minimum Class H1 Steele Pole (BCES Discretion) Transformers Residential Transformer: Minimum 15kVA Pole Mount or 25kVA Pad Mount Commercial Transformer: Minimum 15kVA or based on Load Sheet Provided by Customer. Wire Primary Wire: Minimum #2 ACSR Secondary Wire: Minimum #2 Triplex and 1/0 Quadraplex All line construction shall be in compliance with the NESC (National Electric Safety Code). Restoration & Protection Measures: All (3) three-phase reclosers shall be No-Oil Vacuum All devices shall utilize Schweitzer Controls Lightning Arrestors shall be installed every mile All taps shall be protected by a fused disconnect switch and lightning arrestor Wildlife Protection shall be installed on all transformers, OCR(Oil Circuit Reclosers), and 3 Phase Reclosers Fiber All new construction or replacement shall be a minimum of 96C Aerial Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) A (600ft) storage loop and / or splice can shall be installed every 2500ft Adopted: April 28, 2020 Amended May 26, 2020
28. BCES LED STANDARDIZED STREETLIGHT POLICY Due to the dwindling supply of Metal Halide and High-Pressure Sodium bulbs, and the expected “End of Life” non-led bulb production, BCES is moving to LED Street Lighting. Standardized Streetlighting BCES will utilize three types of LED lights for streetlighting. The WatchLight without a diffuser, Autobahn (Cobra head), and Holophane Mongoose fixture for larger areas. The lights will be installed in the following order: Holophane Mongoose State Highways (Hwy 641, Hwy 70, and Hwy 69, Eva Rd (Hwy 191) Any road or highway larger than two lanes 18’ Street light poles not set at the road’s edge where BCES deems this fixture would be more effective. Autobahn (Cobra Head LED) Standard Streets meeting the minimum width of 18 feet WatchLight Series (Diffuser Removed) Side Street is smaller than the minimum 18 feet Alley Way Lighting Replacement of Working or Malfunctioning Street Lights Malfunctioning lights shall be replaced and covered by the active investment charges and billed accordingly. Functioning group of Streetlights to be changed may be requested by entire street: The process will occur as follows: Request working light(s) to be replaced by entire street. General Manager approval on the project. Current Plant value of fixtures identified and totaled. The requested party chooses: BCES dispose Return fixtures to requestor paying. Plant value of fixtures invoiced to the party requesting. Requestor paid; construction begins to replace lights. At construction completion, old fixtures are disposed of by BCES or delivered to the requestor. **The Plant Value Invoice should not “Net” the Work Order. The full cost of the new lights, material, and labor shall be added to plant accounts for investment charge calculation. Custom Outdoor Light Requests Any customers wishing to install any type of decorative lighting may choose to do so, at their own full expense. At BCES’s discretion, a determination will be made if BCES can assist the customer for install, maintenance, and/or repair. The customer must keep stock at their location, and BCES will charge for assistance at the current rate for labor, transportation, and materials. ADOPTED: November 30, 2021
29. GIFT CERTIFICATES Benton County Electric System will allow the purchase of a gift certificate to be given to another customer to apply towards an electric bill. Only the original gift certificate shall be presented as payment and shall contain an embossed seal for validity. The full amount of the gift certificate shall be redeemed at the time it is presented as payment. Gift certificates will expire after 2 (two) years from the date of purchase. Expired gift certificate funds will be turned over to Benton County Ministerial Alliance at the end of the fiscal year each June. Adopted: December 28, 2021
30. BCES POWER INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS WITH CITY OF CAMDEN SUB-DIVISION DEVELOPMENTS 4/28/2022 BCES will require electrical infrastructure be available at the lot site for a property owner for any new subdivision development. This shall include any overhead or underground electrical developments. The requirements are similar in scope to the water and wastewater system requirements. Upon a development being proposed to the City of Camden, the developer will make contact and meet with BCES. After this consultation, BCES will provide requirements and costs for electric infrastructure in total for the development with a drawing. The developer will be required to pay for the infrastructure cost to be installed with the utility easements and standard construction practices of BCES. The developer will be provided with an infrastructure drawing to integrate into their plan for the proposed subdivision development and will supply updated plans to the City of Camden. Once infrastructure cost is executed for payment in full or per a BCES defined agreement; BCES will provide approval to the City of Camden. The developer will not be responsible for the end customer’s transformer or service to homes The following cost and infrastructure are the responsibility of the developer: Overhead Service BCES Construction of Main Line Poles, Wire, and any associated construction components to successfully form a connection to every lot in the development. Underground Services Developer Trenching, Underground Conduit, Markings, BCES Items Quoted Wire, Pull-Through Boxes, and any related BCES construction cost as provided. BCES does not install infrastructure without a connection for use and a State of TN Passed Inspection. Upon meeting the requirements BCES will complete the development infrastructure as needed to ensure connectivity for our end customers at no further cost to the developer, and standard fees paid by the end customer for service to their home. ADOPTED: June 28, 2022
31. BCES BOARD MEETING PUBLIC FORUM Customers of Benton County Electric System may speak and offer comments during a meeting of the BCES board. To request to speak, a customer may contact BCES by calling 731-584-8251 Ext. 309 or by emailing bcesboardbox@bcestn.org before 12:00 pm on the business day before the scheduled meeting and provide their name, service address, phone number, and the topic they would like to bring before the Board. The allotted time for the public forum will be 30 (thirty) minutes and each customer will have an allotted time of 5 (five) minutes per speaker or a time limit as determined by the Chairman of the Board.
32. Primary/Secondary Distribution Failure (Failure Defined “Acts of God, Normal Deterioration”) Benton County Electric System (BCES) owns and is responsible for primary and secondary service up to a customer’s weatherhead. BCES shall perform and / or oversee repairs to any overhead or underground primary and secondary service. If BCES determines the service cannot be repaired, the primary or secondary wiring shall be replaced and updated to comply with the current National Electrical Safety Code, BCES Specifications, and any applicable OSHA requirements. Responsible Party Damages and Responsibilities Overhead The party responsible for causing damage to the BCES overhead distribution system shall be liable for all current, direct, and indirect costs associated with repairing and restoring service. This includes, but is not limited to, conduit, labor, equipment, and all applicable materials determined to be necessary by BCES. Underground The party responsible for failing to obtain a locate through BCES and causing damage to the underground services shall be liable for all current, direct, and indirect costs incurred to repair or replace underground primary and secondary service wires. This includes, but is not limited to, digging, trenching, conduit, labor, equipment, and any and all applicable materials determined to be necessary by BCES. Existing Conduit: The responsible party shall replace or repair any broken conduit and BCES shall approve of the repair or replacement before service will be restored. If the responsible party is unable to repair or replace the conduit to BCES satisfaction, BCES shall perform the repairs so service can be restored. The responsible party will be responsible for all cost incurred, this includes, but is not limited to, digging, trenching, conduit, labor, equipment, and any and all applicable materials determined to be necessary by BCES. Temporary Service for repairs If a failure or damage occurs during the evening or on a weekend, BCES may provide a temporary service connection until resources can be scheduled for full repairs. The Operations Manager must be contacted to make a determination. In cases where damage occurs, the party responsible shall bear any and all cost of the temporary connection until permanent repairs are completed. If the customer is responsible for the damage, the Operations Manager shall contact them to determine whether they would like temporary service or prefer to keep their service interrupted until repairs can be completed. ADOPTED: FEBRUARY 25, 2025